For Propective Members FAQs







Below are facts and answers about our most common enquiries. If you have a question that isn't listed below, or would like to discuss membership in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Q1. Do I need to pay to become a member of the Rotary Club of Kenmore?

Yes there is a modest annual subscription, currently $350 per year, payable in semi-annual installments of $175 plus $30 to attend fortnightly meetings that covers the cost of a plated meal


Q2. As a member of the Rotary Club of Kenmore, what are my responsibilities?

A vibrant Rotary Club needs active members. If we are going to help improve the lot of people in our own community and abroad we must act. It is therefore expected that every member participates in our programs to ensure their success.


Q3. Am I able to leave the Rotary Club of Kenmore if I find it's not for me?

Certainly. In fact we suggest that potential new members come along to a few meetings to see if Rotary really is for them. This is the best way to understand what Rotary is all about.


Q4. How can I join the Rotary Club of Kenmore?

Simply use the Contact button on the Home Page to register an expression of interest. Once you do this, a club member will contact you for a chat.


Q5. So what’s in it for me?

Like everything in life you will only get out of Rotary what you are prepared to put in. Active members meet and network with fellow business people and professionals. There is the opportunity for travel. Rotary is also about personal development. Rotary creates synergy where your personal effort is leveraged to achieve greater community outcomes. Rotary provides grant monies for worthwhile projects. Lastly it is a great way to make new friends. Best of all you get to participate in programs that help improve the lives of others.