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Feb 06, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Feb 19, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us for a fellowship opportunity with our fellow Rotarians from the Huang Cluster. The event will be hosted by Rotary Club of Brookfield starting at 6:00 PM for a 6:30 PM start. This is a great chance to meet up and mingle with Rotarians from other clubs and share ideas and have fellowship! The cost is $22 for a Bar B Q with vegetarian options and a salad bar and desert. Cash bar available. This will replace our regularly scheduled meeting on February 20, 2024. |
![]() Water and Waste Water Research
Mar 05, 2024
Associate Professor Helen Stratton has over 25 years’ experience in water and wastewater research developing a comprehensive understanding of the technical, social and economic issues that the industry faces. She has worked extensively as a consultant to the water industry and has developed strong collaborative relationships throughout Australia and internationally. Helen’s somewhat unique ability to engage across pure science and applied engineering has resulted in multiple industry grants over the past 20 years. Helen has built an international profile, publishing over 80 refereed articles in internationally peer reviewed journals, reports and conference papers.She has been a passionate volunteer for the Australian Water Association (AWA) since 1998, with being elected to roles such as the QLD Branch president (2004-2006) and was an AWA Director for 10 years. This dedication has resulted in her being awarded the AWA Queensland Branch Distinguished Service Award in 2015 and Life Membership in 2016. As an active member of the international water community, Helen has also actively established collaborative links with Uni Bonn, Germany in the past; the Water Environment Research Foundation in the USA; has delivered training courses in New Zealand for Water Care, most recently formed a MOU with Technologiezentrum Wasser and Griffith to collaborate on water microbiology, and is a collaborator with the International Water Centre, hosted by Griffith University. Helen was previously the Executive Manager of the Smart Water Research Centre, (August 2014 – October 2016), during which she set the strategic direction of the Centre, successfully engaged and managed a consortium of eight partners, lead multiple large projects, commercialised research outcomes and continued to build a training programme for the water sector. Helen developed the Centre from concept to successful funding as a state of the art facility to engage with the water industry addressing current issues and developing world leading research. Helen is currently Discipline Head, Bioscience in the School of Environment and Science, Griffith University. She has been employed at Griffith University, in various roles, since 1997. In this current role Helen is managing the 29 staff in her team and is the Program Director for both Medical Science and Biomedical Science, with over 300 students enrolled in the programs. |
Mar 05, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Dr Helen Stratton Associate Professor, School of Environment and Science- Bioscience A/Prof Helen Stratton has over 25 years’ experience in water and wastewater research developing a comprehensive understanding of the technical, social and economic issues that the industry faces. She has worked extensively as a consultant to the water industry and has developed strong collaborative relationships throughout Australia and internationally. Helen’s somewhat unique ability to engage across pure science and applied engineering has resulted in multiple industry grants over the past 20 years. Helen has built an international profile, publishing over 80 refereed articles in internationally peer reviewed journals, reports and conference papers.She has been a passionate volunteer for the Australian Water Association (AWA) since 1998, with being elected to roles such as the QLD Branch president (2004-2006) and was an AWA Director for 10 years. This dedication has resulted in her being awarded the AWA Queensland Branch Distinguished Service Award in 2015 and Life Membership in 2016. As an active member of the international water community, Helen has also actively established collaborative links with Uni Bonn, Germany in the past; the Water Environment Research Foundation in the USA; has delivered training courses in New Zealand for Water Care, most recently formed a MOU with Technologiezentrum Wasser and Griffith to collaborate on water microbiology, and is a collaborator with the International Water Centre, hosted by Griffith University. Helen was previously the Executive Manager of the Smart Water Research Centre, (August 2014 – October 2016), during which she set the strategic direction of the Centre, successfully engaged and managed a consortium of eight partners, lead multiple large projects, commercialised research outcomes and continued to build a training programme for the water sector. Helen developed the Centre from concept to successful funding as a state of the art facility to engage with the water industry addressing current issues and developing world leading research. Helen is currently Discipline Head, Bioscience in the School of Environment and Science, Griffith University. She has been employed at Griffith University, in various roles, since 1997. In this current role Helen is managing the 29 staff in her team and is the Program Director for both Medical Science and Biomedical Science, with over 300 students enrolled in the programs.
Mar 19, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Apr 02, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Apr 14, 2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join your fellow Rotarians for the Rotary District 9620 Annual Tree Planting Project This event is run by David Kearny from the RC Karan Bellbowrie. The goals of the event are (1) To engage Rotary District 9620 members and their families with the local environment and waterways and deliver key messages from Council’s Environment Centre staff to adults and children at the event. (2) Deliver a planting activity and install up to 5,000 native plants, including Koala Habitat trees, as part of the overall environmental restoration project being delivered by Council along the Bulimba Creek corridor at Mansfield. The site will be prepared and ready to plant when participants arrive including, weed cover removed, holes dug, plants installed in holes. Council’s restoration team will be onsite to provide an activity orientation and support throughout the event. So the work is light and good for Rotarians of all abilities. This work contributes to a significant habitat area for Brisbane’s largest and healthiest Koala population. Koalas are often spotted onsite, so keep your eyes peeled! |
May 07, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
May 17, 2024 6:00 am - 9:00 pm
Our Team will be complimented again by representratives of Toowong, Brookfield and Karana Downs Bellbowrie Rotary clubs, Friends of Rotary, School students from KSHS, Ipswich Grammar and Ambrose Tracey. Brisbane West Lions members will also attend on Friday as they have evemts on Saturday and Sunday |
May 18, 2024 6:00 am - 9:00 pm
Our Team will be complimented again by representratives of Toowong, Brookfield and Karana Downs Bellbowrie Rotary clubs, Friends of Rotary, School students from KSHS, Ipswich Grammar and Ambrose Tracey. Brisbane West Lions members will also attend on Friday as they have evemts on Saturday and Sunday |
May 19, 2024 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Our Team will be complimented again by representratives of Toowong, Brookfield and Karana Downs Bellbowrie Rotary clubs, Friends of Rotary, School students from KSHS, Ipswich Grammar and Ambrose Tracey. Brisbane West Lions members will also attend on Friday as they have evemts on Saturday and Sunday |
May 21, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
![]() Open Eyes Global - Nepal Project Update
Jun 04, 2024 6:00 pm
Suzanne Chambers AO. President, Open Eyes Global Management Committee, works in direct partnership with the Nepal Cancer Relief Society and Dr Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit, who is an Ocular Oncologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Kenmore Rotary submitted a District Grant last year to purchase Arclights in bulk and supply these to vaccine nurses across Nepal. Suzanne has recently returned from Nepal and will report on the work we funded through this project.
Jul 06, 2024 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Jul 16, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm